Creating Better Signs For Your Business

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4 Tips For Installing A Sign At A Commercial Location

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For most businesses, commercial sign installation projects are important to deal with the right way. If you're preparing to install a sign at a commercial location, here are four tips to consider.

Measure Twice and Install Once

Especially when the lettering is a key element of a sign, the distance from whoever will view it is critical. Readability roughly is determined at a rate of one inch of letter height per ten feet of distance from the viewer. For a commercial letter sign installation that's 100 feet from a roadway, for example, you'd want to have letters that are at least 10 inches in height.

Bear in mind you may want to add some letter height if folks are going to be driving past the sign at highways speeds, too. When in doubt, err on the side of bigger lettering. That's especially the case if you don't have a highly recognized and popular logo that people will instantly process.

Draw Contrasts

Another readability factor to consider is the importance of using contrasts between backgrounds and text. Tilting one way or the other between light-on-dark or dark-on-light is largely an aesthetic choice. The important thing is that folks who see your signs can easily identify them and read the text.

Where possible, use simple graphics to maintain the strength of the contrast. If you use busy imagery, try to keep the images as separate from your text as possible.

Light It Up

If your signs need to do some work at night, then you ought to consider lighting them up. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this. The simplest solution is to backlight the sign. A more stylish solution is to use lights around the edges of the lettering to give it some appeal when viewed at night. You also can use lights above or below the sign to provide illumination.

Declutter Your Space

If it is within your control to do, it's wise to declutter the space around a sign. Understandably, this can be a challenge in busy commercial districts with loose signage laws. However, try to remove additional signs, wires, poles, fences, and plants that might obstruct the view of the sign.

When a sign is in a highly cluttered area, consider decluttering the sign. If your plan for it includes lots of text and images, for example, try to cut those elements down to the bare minimum necessary to communicate your message. A minimal design will stand out in a congested environment.

For more information, reach out to a commercial sign installation service.
